In their physical form, flowers represent a circle of life from seed to growth to eventual bloom and death. In digital form, these flowers become immortal. Each piece in The Flowers Project is dynamic; the smart contract unlocks a new digital lifecycle. The collection reacts in real time based on the market value of Ethereum. The smart contract fetches data to reveal a glitch phase of the original piece when the market is low. 

The original collection was minted February 2022.  In 2024 the project evolved introducing a new dynamic to the work.  
The Flowers where recreated by artist CYDR and each derivative was minted to a new contract called The Flower Garden.   

Each Flower in the Garden is bound to the corresponding Flower from the original 50.  The Garden Flowers can not be transferred or sold and are only available by acquiring the original corresponding Flower. All Flowers are CC0. Download and interpret The Flowers in your own way here.

The Garden will continue to grow and introduce and celebrate new artist.  

CYDR is an artist based out Brazil. He is known for his distorted and glitched images and refers to his style of work as , synesthetic distortionism.

Interview. Socials. CYDRs Website.